The list of forbidden foods for psoriasis includes table salt. Its consumption is limited, as it not only irritates the digestive tract, but also "pulls" water, contributing to the appearance of latent edema, weight gain and deterioration of pathological processes in metabolism.
Excludes spices and spicy dishes, which in addition to adversely affecting the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, adversely affect the skin (aromatic substances and essential oils), provoke itching and inflammatory reactions in the skin.
Soluble carbohydrates (sugar, honey, sweets, etc. ) also cause inflammation, and also contribute to weight gain. It is necessary to exclude products that contain preservatives, dyes, stabilizers and flavor enhancers: they cause allergic and inflammatory reactions.
You should refrain from eating fatty foods, which aggravate disorders in lipid metabolism, "add" excess pounds, "inhibit" the work of the digestive tract.
List of banned products:
- pastries, especially fresh ones, white bread, biscuits with butter;
- meat-rich soups;
- fatty meats (especially pork), lard, sausages;
- smoked fish, meat, canned food;
- spices (garlic, horseradish, vinegar, pepper, cloves, nutmeg);
- fatty dairy products;
- citrus fruits (a controversial issue, some nutritionists welcome them, others forbid them);
- seafood (lobster, crab, shrimp, mussels, oysters);
- highly allergic fruits and berries (strawberries, pineapple, melon, strawberries, cranberry, mango, cranberry);
- vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, squash, legumes, eggplants, bell peppers);
- coffee, cocoa, chocolate;
- protein creams and butter, jam, honey, cakes;
- nuts, especially roasted and salted;
- eggs;
- easily digestible cereals (oatmeal, barley);
- gut.
The need to follow a diet
A patient on a diet with psoriasis will soon notice a noticeable improvement in skin condition, a decrease in the frequency of recurrences, and the disappearance of itching and discomfort. In addition, nutritional therapy helps normalize weight and digestive tract function, improves the appearance of hair and nails, and stimulates the immune system.
Why you need a diet for psoriasis
After eating food, complex biochemical processes are triggered to break it down and assimilate it. The pH in the body depends on the composition of the food. When proteins are metabolized in tomatoes, eggplant, meat and fish, the environment becomes acidic. This is what often predisposes to the next recurrence of psoriasis. Therefore, eliminating such products will help avoid the appearance on the skin of characteristic pink plaques covered with silvery scales. Compliance with a diet for a long time leads to a noticeable improvement in the body. How does this happen:
- metabolism is normalized;
- increases the body's immunity to the effects of negative external and internal factors;
- sleep quality improves, vitality increases, apathy and fatigue disappear.
There is a certain allergic component in the pathogenesis (mechanism) of the development of psoriasis. Its symptoms are similar to the typical signs of sensitization - the skin becomes inflamed, irritated and red. So it is advisable to exclude foods that provoke allergies from the diet. For example, chocolate, strawberries, citrus fruits.
Healthy food
For psoriasis, any fermented milk product is beneficial, but only low in fat. Nutritionists recommend that patients more often use soft cheeses without spices, vareneta, fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir. The diet of children should definitely include cottage cheese and yogurt without color and flavor. Also, the following products should be present in the weekly menu:

- boiled eggs or omelets;
- lean meats - turkey, rabbit, chicken breast, lamb;
- fatty fish - salmon, Norwegian herring, sardines;
- dry bread;
- cereal porridge - buckwheat, millet, wheat, corn;
- white cabbage salads, parsley beets, seasoned with any vegetable oil;
- zucchini, greens and celery root, carrots.
Food must not be deep fried or fried. They should be boiled in a little water or baked. Steamed vegetables, meat or fish retain the maximum possible amount of nutrients, macro and micronutrients, fat-soluble vitamins and water.
Nutritionists advise eating fruits and dried fruits like cakes. Especially useful is the daily use of figs, dried apricots, pineapple, grapes, cherries, peaches, dates. Of the citrus fruits, only grapefruit is allowed. Dense fruit peel should be cut. Do not forget about nuts (walnuts, cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts), squash and sunflower seeds. They perfectly alkalize the body, minimizing the risk of recurrence of psoriasis.
Basic nutritional guidelines
The goals of a diet for psoriasis are:
- reducing the number of disease exacerbations;
- reducing the frequency and intensity of skin rashes;
- normalization of metabolism;
- stimulating the body's defenses;
- improving the work of the digestive tract.
According to the classification, the diet for psoriasis does not have "its own table", which means that you must adhere to the general diet or treatment table number 15.
In case of a worsening of the disease for several days, a low calorie diet with clean food is recommended. Its daily value of energy is 1800 kilocalories, protein content - 50-70 grams, fat - no more than 40-60 grams, carbohydrates - about 250-300 grams. Exclusion of allergic foods is also indicated.
Each person's body is individual, and therefore there are no clear restrictions on the consumption of a particular food. There are many dietary methods developed for psoriasis, the most famous of which are the Pegano diet and the Fire diet. They are similar in that they seek to regulate the acid-base balance in the body to stabilize the disease. That is, it is recommended to consume up to 70% of the daily diet of alkali-forming products and about 30% of acid-forming products.
General principles of a diet for psoriasis:
- drinking fluids; Free fluid intake should not be less than 2-2. 5 liters per day. Drinking plenty of fluids removes toxins from the body, normalizes kidney function, prevents the development of constipation and increases skin turgor.
- weight; Excess body weight indicates a profound metabolic disorder, in particular, lipids and carbohydrates. It is important to normalize weight, not eat too much and exercise, as being overweight disrupts the digestive tract and cardiovascular system. Weight normalization improves the condition of the skin, as the content of C-reactive proteins in the blood decreases, which increases with overweight.